Another feminist phrase; “The Future is Female.”
Customers walk aimlessly into the store front. Perhaps reciprocating the greeting. “Hi-yaa” Welcome In!. Ultimately reacting to the tone set by the greeter. The influence on cognitive capacity is a key element of leadership. Although, turnover is significant in retail operations at the 95% level. Employee loyalty generates a number of organizational benefits. Loyal employees can present competitive advantage. Why do workers work? Why does a employee stay with the company? Why does one start a business?
Implying in order for entrepreneurs to develop a business they would need access to market, money and management in the sense of human capitol. Most leaders can be designed at entry level positions. The retail environment day to day store operations include zoning. The greeter responsibility is front store entrance with almost a robotic greeting. “Hi-yaa” Welcome In! The shipment processor is positioned mid store. The store manager is positioned at the register. This zoning chart is a small fragment of the company’s rule book. The practical strategy determines the strengths of many employees.
To illustrate a picture I reference entrepreneur Christian Lynn, owner New Orleana, LLC. Her only option to escape the “lower level position” would be structured (OJT).On the job training provides skill enhancement and in house record.
Christian Lynn had passion for fashion. Retail jobs pay low wages but they present benefits. After inspiration she applied for her first retail job. Age 15 what young lady would not be loyal to a brand that provides merchandise discount. Ditching school uniform for latest fashion trends. Adult life cost beyond the aesthetics.
Daily sales goals are not typically commission based. Hourly associates would have to commit to they’re position within the company. Although, retail stores would prefer hiring class privilege workers for management positions. Alternatives are giving opportunity. Class privilege embody particular styles and mannerisms that match the brand. The Economic Vulnerability motivates most entry level workers to accept job offers.
As employee moves up through an organization’s hierarchy. They may be recognized as an ideal measure of job performance, an then promotion ensues.
Monique Nelson, Chairman and CEO of UniWorld Group. She was classically trained singing and dancer as well. Her career also began entry-level. Monique Nelson job was selling paper. To nurture and build loyalty over time has become an invaluable differentiator for successful organizations. No matter the job position with in the hierarchy organization. A career in leadership can begin with Hello. Overall a positive tone during the customer service process can compensate. In closing I would encourage readers to stay motivated. Always foster great relationships with your customers and supervisors.