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Another feminist phrase; “The Future is Female.”

Customers walk aimlessly into the store front. Perhaps reciprocating the  greeting. “Hi-yaa”  Welcome In! . U ltimately reacting to the tone set by the greeter. The influence on cognitive capacity is a key element of leadership.  Although, turnover is significant in retail operations at the 95% level. Employee loyalty generates a number of organizational benefits. Loyal employees can present competitive advantage. Why do workers work? Why does a employee stay with the company? Why does one start a business?   Implying in order for entrepreneurs to develop a business they would need access to market, money and management in the sense of human capitol. Most l eaders can be designed at entry level positions.  The retail environment d ay to day store operations include zoning.  The greeter responsibility is front store entrance with almost a robotic greeting. “Hi-yaa” Welcome In! The shipment processor is positioned mid store. The store manager is positioned a...

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